this weeknote is archived for the sins of being over 1 month old.
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Weeknotes 06
This weekend, I was in Manchester. I planned to write this weeknote on the train back home, while idly staring at the peak district.
Unfortunately, the train back home was in fact a rail replacement bus, and the "tracks" were Snake Pass. I can't focus on petty little things like words while hurtling along a bouncy bus.
So I write from bed, which may end up in tailing off or rushed as I get sleepier. However, whatever I end up writing, I consider finished. Otherwise I'd have the ability to delay weeknotes, and that ability would render them delayed forever.
I finished "Stolen Focus"
On a slightly connected note to procrastination, I finished reading Stolen Focus by Johann Hari. It is a book that talks about "the attention crisis", and why in the current era, people are less able to do things requiring long stretches of attention, as well as other ideas like "long term attention" which help movements like the climate crisis or unionising.
It started off as what I thought was going to become "phones bad. people should use them less.", which I already feel quite conscious about as a fan of boneless Wednesdays. However, it developed into the causes, effects, and discussions around attention. It touched so many more parts of society than I expected, and had discussions about modern diets, pollution, surveillance capitalism (a new favourite term), sleep deprivation, high stress. It was... quite a lot. But it talks in a coherent manner, always bringing it back to attention.
I think it is well worth reading. Go read it.
I didn't get the board game café job
Last week I think I wrote about this. The result came back and I wasn't given the job, but I got a very kind, thoughtful, and well-reasoned email as to why not. That's very nice to receive and makes you feel like time spent was not wasted.
I cancelled Mubi (for real this time)
Last year (in November?) I got a free referral code for Mubi, which also let me get Mubi Go for free. I may have been suckered by branding, but I like what Mubi seem to be doing. I enjoy watching good films, and they help.
I like Mubi Go in particular because it's a free cinema pass, but only for one specific film. It makes going to the cinema interesting-er because it becomes "go for free and watch this film... or don't".
Anyway, I don't have enough spare change for it, so I've tried to cancel it three months in a row, and each month Mubi have offered me a delicious cookie-shaped incentive to stay (another free month... 60% off... etc...).
This month I finally cancelled it for real.
I want to take plant cuttings
I have lots of plants. I want more. It's approaching Spring, which - I hear - is a good time to propagate them. So far, the plan is to cut stems and plant them in new pots, and watch. I might attach a bag or something to the pot to keep them humid.
I played Factorio again
This sub-heading probably gets lower every week, as it becomes more routine. But, it's still fun! It's harder to play games spontaneously in this attention economy (slash stressful life for many), especially with multiple people.
Playing Factorio weekly brings a fun permanence to group gaming. It's also forever fun to see what great ability my proximity chat mod provides those who play.
This week we tried to think about the "end goal", something to strive towards collectively, and after having done such, decide we had completed the game. Launching a rocket was suggested, but we wanted to play a little longer than that, so we said one rocket every 10 minutes could be a reasonable goal. It might change, but that's the current aim.
I went to Collage Club
I went to a collage club organised by Cut Up Collective. This month, the theme was "emo". I've been before, bringing my total to 2 "main events" and 2 "pre-cinema collaging" events, and this time I was called a regular!
I'm sleepy
I had a writing break. I'm now very tired. A rocket summary of the rest is:
- I made a big pie and invited some friends round for Friday pieday. it was very cute!
- I bought a ticket to EMFCamp. I might have said this last week. if so, I don't apologise for saying again because it's exciting :)
- I went to a leaving party in Manchester. it was great!
Until next time.
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