this weeknote is archived for the sins of being over 1 month old.
if you have good reason to read it, show anyway
Weeknotes 38
Good evening, morning, or night. Can I perfectly remember everything I've done this week? Probably not. Can I make a damn good effort? Meh, I suppose.
The new(!!) categorisation this week is: "things by price"
What did I do this week...
For Free
- I ran into and joined a counter protest against fascism and TERFism in Sheffield. There were two police officers recording everyone from afar on a handheld camcorder.
- I watched someone cover themself in resin.
- I went on a river walk (route) which ended in a cold jump into the Rivelin plunge pools. I also met a crayfish.
- I made most of a blog post (the images and the idea, just not the text [yet])
- I didn't buy a desk, but I was put on a watchlist if the shop gets any desks in
- I recorded several Linux issues I've been having. One is that sometimes my computer doesn't shut down as it endlessly waits for some kind of network device to shut down. Another is that Firefox sometimes refuses to open unless I restart the computer (and I can't
the process). They are slightly annoying problems, but I'm very happy with Linux otherwise. - I opened someone else's post (with their permission). It was a nice zine. They came to collect it, and had a look around the house (they used to live there).
- I noted down a couple of stats about renting in Sheffield in a Google Doc
- I verified that Bus Bot wasn't broken, and instead there was an issue with Zeelo's servers (well, Bus Bot probably was broken, but it gracefully resets if you reset the chat)
- I played badminton in the park, and had otherwise wholesome outdoor fun (and did at least a few handstands
- I downloaded Cloud Atlas. I didn't watch it.
- I noted down some information about a potential trip to Hull in a few weeks
- I opened an issue for making sitelen pona versions of lipu tenpo, and linked to it from several places (the FAQ, the selo README), as people often ask about it. It's easier for everyone if the information is in one place.
- I posted pictures of my street party to my street's page
- I reset a WiFi extender. One long ethernet cable later (next week sometime) and we will have wonderful internet access at the back of the house
- I found my blankets (they were downstairs)
For between £0 and £10
- I dyed (some of) my hair (blue)
- I bought some foam. I'm going to make a croggy cushion for my bike
- I printed 3 sheets of address labels for the upcoming lipu tenpo print+post
- I bought a large scarf from a charity shop and cut it into some lovely hand warmers at craft night
- I bought a can of compressed air and cleaned my computer
- I bought some pear & apple spread and posted it across the country
For between £10 and £20
Only one thing here. Maybe I should've picked my category ranges better. But, it's one with a lot of thoughts, so it oughtn't look out of place.
I bought a 1 TB hard drive for my computer. I had a spare spinny disk slot, and who doesn't always have spare SATA ports.
The plan is to use it for backups. I found out about from and am rethinking how I back up files. Instead of putting them on the cloud on Google Drive and OneDrive, why shouldn't I just... store my files on my computer. Ultimately, I only have a few gigabytes, so it seems fine. The only "problem" is losing the data, which is where syncthing comes in.
With it, I can sync a folder (or multiple) between devices, so I can have "all of my files" (i.e., documents) on: my computer, my laptop, my phone (it has a weird amount of free disk space), and my server.
That seems well-enough backup opportunity should any of the devices go kaput. And, it feels good to store my files in my places.
Also, as an optional extra, I might make one folder accessible via nginx on my server, so if I put a file in there, it will sync to my server, and then be available to anyone via a URL to my server. That'd be neat, and pretty easy to set up.
I'm not sure of the best way to lay out my files. Currently, I have four folders: "documents", "exports", "photos", and "server". I shan't explain what they're for, because I'm bored of this now.
For more than £20
- I bought 10 train tickets at once at the ticket office. The ticket officer did not enjoy my request (there was lots of head shaking); it reminded me of when I payed for a £5 cinema ticket with (5 very neatly arranged stacks of 5) 20ps. They acquiesced.
- I bought around 30 international stamps, for sending the lipu tenpo issues out.
- I went to a housewarming. The price was the drinks & snacks I brought. It was a very good housewarming.
The End
note about pronouns: above, I use "I" excessively. This is mainly because I like the pattern it makes for every bullet to start with it. However, most of what I talk about is in fact done with, helped by, or otherwise involved with other people. I thought it was important to note. Society is other people.
try not to fall over
until next week
Email me :) -> or message me on any social :) ->