this weeknote is archived for the sins of being over 1 month old.
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Weeknotes 43
Good evening. We have a short one for you this week. But, to keep you one your toes, I have shuffled the letters around in the most context-heavy word of each bullet point.
I did this in WSL with
printf "antidisestablishmentarianism" | sed 's/\(.\)/\1\n/g' | shuf | awk '{printf "%s", $0} END {print ""}'
There was probably an easier way to do it (shuf
only shuffles lines, not characters, I think, so I split the word into lines and then un-split it). Anyway...
What did I do this week, in no particular order?
- made a non-criotuernec map t shirt
- identified a ogtrrifeearr screw as having a six-lobe/slot head
- went to ewilelbng cafe with a book swap (gave out some lipu tenpo!)
- found "IepPSacA" for hackspaces
- went to oldewelnew
- looked up mzOen's on companies house
- made cvirese stations map ?
- messaged someone about tsbleu
- tried to find bseryxce front cover high quality
- organised ahcpaeksc month notes
- emailed rdlolnad
- played laomevognh !
- bought a ticket to hsoCa tmruepCo rCesgosn
- edited wlrofes website
- (finally) learnt the difference between Unicode nscnioedg UTF-8 and UTF-16
- found out that postcodes are fairly epno data and eircodes (Ireland) are not
- looking to switch iaelm (Proton mail etc)
Email me :) -> or message me on any social :) ->