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Weeknotes 48
Hello. Welcome to the week. I write using some spare time I have while my friend runs to the next field to check if it's a good spot to put up our tent. We just got our hot water bottles filled up by a nearby household, who also gave us some fruit. Human kindness is alive and well.
What have I been doing this week?
Firstly, mainly because I may be interrupted any moment to put up my tent, and this is the more fun half of the weeknote:
I hitched to Belfast
A friend and I hitched from Sheffield to Belfast over two days. We also had three other pairs of friends traveling at the same time, so we bumped into each other at parts and met up in the middle and at the end. It only took two days, with a stay in Dublin, which is not a bad rate.
We've been picked up by many lovely people who's names I mostly forget (but were recorded for posterity - perhaps a hitchhiking blog post coming soon...), found out about their lives, and heard what makes them tick. Meeting such a (fairly) randomly selected slice of society is part of the reason I love hitchhiking.
...a break where I was joined by my compatriot and we went and put up the tent. I'm now comfortably in bed, and as such, you ain't getting much more.
What did I do this week... before heading to Belfast?
- I considered if I'd do anything for the weeknote anniversary. It's almost a year since I started writing weeknotes. I might do something for the year. Maybe a word cloud, or a qualitative review.
- I saw that interrail passes were 50% off. I might buy one.
- I bought a sleeping mat for £14. You'll never guess why
- I lost £30 to a cash machine. I took too long to grab it, and it swallowed it back. Maybe I can get it back if I raise a dispute with my bank
- I'm considering volunteering at the Kabaddi world cup
- I made a font for bar camp
- I laser cut some tokens for a local community cafe, as a test
- I wrote a small piece for my local street's newsletter
- I did some more CO2 monitoring, pulling out my old sensor, and bought some more sensors from Ali express. They'll arrive soon.
- I made my blog a bit cleaner. I removed a lot of JavaScript so it's now readable on simpler devices or browsers like Lynx. It makes me very happy as I've been meaning to for a while
That's pretty much all. I just remembered those hot water bottles and slid mine into my sleeping bag. Ahhhhhh.
Stay warm out there.
until next week
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