this weeknote is archived for the sins of being over 1 month old.
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Weeknotes 1
Welcome to weeknotes "1".
For the first note of the new year, I will reject tradition and write the weeknote in the morning, with plenty of time before bed. Just kidding, it's 01:27 a.m.
What did I do this week?
Mainly I have been in Stockholm, where I have:
- stayed in
- a generator hostel, where I:
- spent new year :]
- a hostel with a sauna, where I:
- saw the biggest pick up sticks ever
- had a sauna trip
- talked to many interesting people from around the world
- a boat, where I
- watched the lake freeze over
- a generator hostel, where I:
- uploaded a bench ->
- planned further travel (it's the same as last week, but I booked some boats and things)
- worked a bit
- had a boneless Wednesday, and got quite lost walking around Stockholm without a device. Fun.
On the Internet, I have done things that I could have done from anywhere, including:
- being sent a picture of a doppelganger. This must happen to everyone every so often. This one was the best yet.
- sent some invoices, including one that I thought I sent in December, but had to re-send due to the automatic scheduled send... not sending (perhaps you can only schedule one at once? because the other scheduled one sent)
- created hackspace month notes for November and December -> people have been up to interesting things ->
- helped release the latest lipu tenpo, it's a collaboration of other people did most of the work setting it up, and I fixed and clarified a couple of things and then it was released today. soon, I will post on social media about it :]
- I switched to Kagi (on my laptop) - DuckDuckGo wasn't cutting it and I was finding myself putting "!g" into almost every search (which redirects the search to Google). So far, I haven't noticed what search engine I've been using as I've found what I've wanted almost the first result every time. I'm waiting for Kagi to ask me to pay for it, which I probably will. Especially as my job is sometimes described as "professional searcher"
- I made a webpage for my favourite things -> I will slowly add things over time, including both physical and digital stuff. It started as my bookmarks page is very drole, as none of the bookmarks really have any surrounding information, so it's like being bombarded by information. For opinions about this, read
- I got a yearly digest for rambling readers. I like rambling readers.
Also, on my last day in Hamburg, I had some very tasty burgers.
That's all. Next Sunday, I ought to be in... Helsinki. And I'll have taken my first night train ever!!
Stay frosty (but not too frosty).
Email me :) -> or message me on any social :) ->