alifeee's weeknotes


this weeknote is archived for the sins of being over 1 month old.

if you have good reason to read it, show anyway

Weeknotes 1

Welcome to weeknotes "1".

For the first note of the new year, I will reject tradition and write the weeknote in the morning, with plenty of time before bed. Just kidding, it's 01:27 a.m.

What did I do this week?

Mainly I have been in Stockholm, where I have:

On the Internet, I have done things that I could have done from anywhere, including:

Also, on my last day in Hamburg, I had some very tasty burgers.

That's all. Next Sunday, I ought to be in... Helsinki. And I'll have taken my first night train ever!!

Stay frosty (but not too frosty).



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