this weeknote is archived for the sins of being over 1 month old.
if you have good reason to read it, show anyway
weeeknotes 5
good day
what did i do this week?
I…'ve been using U+2026 : HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS {three dot leader}
rather than three U+002E : FULL STOP {period, dot, decimal point}
characters. On my computers, I can hold "ALT+GR", or the "compose key", then press "."
twice to get it. I like it
Anyway, I've been…
- playing Pictionary and Codenames (to follow some tasty burritos)
here's where I take a break and say, I'd like to watch the Royal Tenenbaums, and so I will be writing a short list, and not diving to deep into anything. Especially since I'm using this keyboard which likes to type two letters at once. Excuse me if any words appear with onee too many 'e's.
- I sent "this month"'s lipu tenpo zines out to subscibers
- I got a key for Sheffield Hackspace
- I went to knitting-in-the-pub for about 10 minutes. It looked extremely nice and I wish I would have been able to go for longer.
- I played Gloomhaven !
- I played Minecraft a few times. Once Vanilla, once with proximity voice chat. I'm hoping to set up a once-a-week game with lots of friends and proximity voice chat.
- I configured DynMap, which is a Minecraft mod that shows a map. I configured it because I want to run it when the server isn't running, with
, which uses a lot fewer resources than the Minecraft server process does - I sent a friend a microcontroller in the mail. It had an SCD40 environment monitor (CO2 monitor) attached. I also sent them the code I'd written for it
- I attached new front brakes to my bike. It's hilly here.
- I started a burrito review
- I contacted my landlord about our housing contract. I asked for a lower rent increase, to fix a mistake, and to change one of the people on the contract. He will reply not my email but by calling my phone.
- I celebrated Chinese New Year - or Lunar New Year - with dumplings and watching a Chinese broadcast
- I played Mahjong solitaire for the first time. A lot of people think that's what I mean when I say Mahjong.
- I made two new notes about
- encrypting files
- uploading notes with a script
- I had a lipu tenpo meeting. We discussed how to increase print+post numbers
- I went to Front End Sheffield. A speaker talked about a Python package to make CGI scripts, but with a CSS stylesheet.
- I added some books to my "favourite things" webpage
- I emptied out my calendar of old recurring events that I don't care about that were still recurring
- I watched The Darjeeling Limited. I enjoyed it. As I said above, I am about to watch The Royal Tenenbaums.
That's all for this week. My final thoughts are upon further removing my old weeknotes from the Internet. Currently, they are "archived" but still viewable, but I might delete them for realsies (and keep them archived for myself). Who's to say… who's to say…
Water your plants.
until next week
Email me :) -> or message me on any social :) ->